“योगः चित्तस्य वृतिः निरोधः”
“Yoga is the control (nirodha) of the fluctuations (vritti) of the mind” is a phrase from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, which is considered a seminal text on the philosophy and practice of yoga.
In this context, Patanjali is describing yoga as a technique or process for gaining control over the mind. The mind is constantly active and generates a constant stream of thoughts and emotions, which Patanjali refers to as “vritti”. These vritti can be positive or negative, and they can be helpful or harmful. The goal of yoga is to gain control over these vritti, so that the mind becomes still and calm.
The word “yog” means “addition” and it refers to the process of your addition with “THE ONE”. The word “nirodha” means “control” or “restraint” and it refers to the process”
Yoga is an ancient practice that has been used for thousands of years as a physical, mental, and spiritual discipline. It involves a combination of physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation.
There are many different types of yoga, each with its own unique focus and benefits. Some of the most popular types include: –
Gyana yoga/Jyana yoga: –
The word “Jyana” literally means “knowledge”, according to yogic context it means the process of meditational awareness which leads to spiritual wisdom.
Bhakti Yoga:-
Bhakti yoga is a form of yoga that focuses on devotion and love for a personal deity or spiritual teacher. It is considered one of the most emotional and devotional forms of yoga, and involves practices such as chanting, singing and bhajan/prayers.
Karma Yoga:-
Karma yoga is a form of yoga that emphasizes selfless service and actions performed without attachment to the results. It is based on the belief that by performing actions without selfish motives, one can achieve spiritual growth and liberation. This type of yoga is often associated with social work and volunteerism.
Hatha yoga: –
In these days mostly people consider Hath yoga as yoga. Hatha yoga is a gentle form of yoga that focuses on physical postures (asanas) and breathing exercises (pranayama). It is a good choice for beginners and those looking to improve their flexibility and balance. Hatha yoga classes typically move at a slower pace and focus on proper alignment in the postures.
Raaj Yoga: –
Raja yoga also known as “royal yoga” or “classical yoga” is a form of yoga that focuses on the control of the mind through meditation and concentration. It is one of the six traditional branches of yoga and is often considered the “king” of all yoga practices. It teaches the control of the mind and thoughts through the use of techniques such as pranayama, dharana, and dhyana.
Kriya Yoga:-
The word “Kriya” literally means “activity” or “movement”. in yogic aspect it refers to activity or movement of consciousness/ awareness.
Naad Yoga:-
Naad yoga is a form of yoga that focuses on the power of sound and vibration to heal the body and mind. It includes practices such as mantra repetition, singing, and listening to music as a means of achieving spiritual growth and connection.
These are some of the most popular types of yoga, but there are many other forms of yoga as well, each with their own unique focus and benefits. It is important to research and experiment with different types of yoga UNDER THE GUIDENCE OF A GURU to find the one that best suits your personal goals, fitness level, and preferences.